WAY Academy - Widening Advancements for Youth - Southwest Campus

WAY Southwest continues to raise the bar as the leader of blended and virtual learning

WAY Southwest continues to raise the bar as the leader of blended and virtual learning

Who would have ever thought that it would take a pandemic, to stimulate major changes in the way we educate children? School Districts are being forced to make drastic and costly program changes to meet the new guidelines being recommended by the CDC and the local State governments. These changes are leading families to seek creative and flexible solutions for education that will meet their needs.  As new trends are set for “traditional” education, W-A-Y Academy Vernor, in Southwest Detroit, continues to raise the bar as the leader of blended and virtual learning. 

At the onset of the COVID-19 Shelter in Place order, our dedicated staff seamlessly transitioned to a 100% Virtual experience, with the flexibility of HERO, our project-based digital learning platform.  Although we closed the building doors, our WAY Academy Vernor staff continued to serve the community and meet the needs of students and families. One of our essential staff (also a member of the local Southwest community) delivered meals and made trips to food banks to assist our school families in need. Our Social Worker created student groups and hosted virtual learning sessions on mental health and mindfulness. Our Highly Qualified teachers arranged one on one tutoring times with students, to deliver instruction, and provide personalized learning support. Students were able to continue their learning plans without interruption. 

W-A-Y Academy Vernor has been providing students with high-quality, engaging, project-based learning for over 10 years.  In the Blended Learning option, students attend the learning lab, in a small-group setting. There, they receive one to one time with a highly-qualified teacher. Blended learning students attend 3 days per week in person and work 2 days per week virtually. Our in-lab ratio is approximately 1 staff to 15 students, allowing for a caring, safe, and comfortable experience for each student. Our flexible 100% Virtual Learning option is project-based and personalized to meet the needs of the individual student. Students have the option of attending tutoring or live instruction sessions in person or virtually. Virtual students also have full access to our team of teachers and support staff. Our WAY Academy Vernor staff is focused on the whole-child learning experience. We have Spanish-speaking, bilingual staff, and are equipped to fully support English Language Learners (ELL) and Newcomers through immersion.  We are dedicated to providing a 100% tuition-free, flexible and appropriate learning experience for all students in Michigan, whether they are seeking Virtual or Blended learning. 

For more information about WAY Academy Vernor or to enroll, call 313-444-8082 or visit us at wayacademy.net/southwest

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