

At WAY Academy, our students engage in project-based courses that are aligned to national and state standards. The curriculum includes core and elective courses in math, science, english language arts, social studies, and other subjects.

Our curriculum is designed on an online platform, HERO, which delivers the curriculum, grading, and collaboration space.

Projects are designed by certified teachers, using a project-based learning approach. WAY Academy teachers and community members work together to connect projects to students needs, interests, and community.

Course List

Example Projects


In this project, students compare 3 different cell phone plans and determine which one is the best for themselves and community members.

In the process, students learn about functions and how to represent them verbally, graphically, algebraically, and in tables.

Dream An Invention

In this project, students identify a problem in the world that they would like to fix. Students create a solution to this problem by using the design thinking process to build an invention.

In the process, students create a business proposal for their invention in hope to secure an investor and submit a patent for it.

How To

In this project, students create an instructional video to teach other students a technology skill. Their video is hosted in the online support area for other students to use.

In the process, students learn how to use technology tools, organize knowledge, and present content to an audience.

Protect The Strays

In this project, students will take on the role as an owner of a company that creates warming packs. This company has been approached by the ASPCA who are looking to hire students to create warming packs for their winter shelter bins. The shelter bins are for their stray cats throughout the state of Michigan.

In the process, students learn about designing devices that use thermal energy and develop artistic ideas and work.